How To Make A Simple Flow Through Worm Composter

How to make a simple flow through worm composter. I've adapted the design of my flow-thru worm composter to use more on the trash can structure along with lid instead of generating a more complicated frame along with custom lid. You can hand sift the worms after 3-4 months to harvest castings or we have a wood frame covered in ¼ inch hardware screen which can be slid into the center to divide box and ease the harvest of castings. To use the screen, you first need to push all worms, bedding and food scraps to one side of box then slide screen into center leaving one side empty for anywhere from a week to a month depending on how much biomass they have to eat. Once they are finished eating, you then place new bedding and food scraps on opposite side of screen and leave for another week or two. The worms should naturally migrate towards the food leaving behind one whole side of nutrient dense castings that you can add to house plants, garden or lawn.
This kind of brand new design also includes an integrated harvesting mechanism to make harvesting the worm castings much easier. I've made the plans available on my website for $1.99. Get them here:
I get my red wiggler composting worms through Uncle Jim's Worm Farm at Use the promo code "greenshortz" at checkout for a 10% discount (I don't make money on This kind of).
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